Football in the spotlight, other sports just want equal recognition

By Abigail Potts

Messenger Staff Writer


Football is the main sport here at placer high school, and everyone knows the details of it right away, but what about the other sports like golf, tennis, soccer and baseball? You only hear about those sports when they have a match and thats just a quick announcement in the morning bulletin. What do people think of those sports,when they barely know that they happen? Even though there are many sports that are offered at Placer high School during Fall and Spring, only football is highly known and renowned.

”Golf is never actually heard cause everyone thinks its an old man’s sport,”, stated Ashley Meadows, which is true because when people imagine golf they imagine an old man in plaid pants and a white shirt.The student body is told about the games, but they aren’t supported as much as football, which has high attendance at each game.

Unlike football that has its home games at placer high school golf matches are held at Auburn Valley.The Auburn Valley golf course is not conveniently accessible to spectators so they do not get as much support. People also may not know where the matches are held so they refrain from attending.

People know that football player works hard to succeed but no one really thinks about what other sports do to prepare for a game. Some may think that other sports like tennis are easy and dont take a lot of effort but each sport strives to succeed and better themselves just like football. Everyone knows that football trains in the summer to be prepared for the oncoming season, but there are other sports that have their members sacrifice their summers to prepare for the challenges ahead.

”Yes!!! Yes, yes!!” was Julia Hinshaw’s very enthusiastic response when asked if she would like for the student body to be as hyped up about tennis as they are about football. People get into the spirit of football games by dressing up in green and gold and going to the games and sitting in the gold mines but theres no real hype about the tennis matches; people arent asking each other if they’re going to the matches or talking about hanging out with friends while the match goes on. Most people dont really care about the matches or who’s playing who.

Football has a summer camp to get ready for the oncoming season but so does soccer. They sweat in the burning sun and work just as hard as football and yet not much is heard about soccer. Some may believe that since you dont need so much brute force its easier to play, and while that may or may not be true soccer players need more speed and nimbleness to maneuver around other players while still dribbling the ball

”No, i dont care, i just play to play,” stated Zachary Berg when asked if he was frusterated with the lack of recognition soccer recieved. Although he just “plays to play” there are students who are passionate about their sport and feel that it deserves the recognition that other sports get. There are a certain few that just play for the enjoyment of playing.

Football and baseball are stereotyped as the all american sports but football is the only sport that gets much attention. Baseball occurs during the spring and yet you still dont hear much about it even without football overshadowing it. If you compare attendance of football and baseball its clear to see the difference.

”A decent amount, theres a couple students that have gone but not as much as i think it deserves,” was Josh Jacoby’s response when asked about how much recognition baseball got, unfortunately there arent that many people that go to the games. Halfway through the year people most of the time dont listen to the bulletin so they dont hear  the announcement about the games.

Football gets all of the talk and support and publicity but how many times have you seen an article about golf or tennis or soccer or even baseball in the newspaper.