Teen mom successfully overcomes the difficulties of having a baby during her high school years

Abigail Strong explains how she made the best of an unplanned situation


Abigail Strong and fiance Landon Tucker holding Bentley

By Maddie Hernandez


Today’s society is one that is quick to judge. There are many controversial topics that society tends to judge and this impacts certain individuals on a personal level. One of these topics is teen pregnancy. Teenage, pregnant young women are often shamed for their lack of responsibility, their inexperience of love, and more. But what people sometimes fail to examine, is the bright side to deeming tough situations. Abigail Strong is a bright side to teen pregnancy. While not promoting it and facing many struggles along the way, she and her family accepted their mistakes, and moved forward to do everything they could to raise a happy and healthy little boy.
“I was 17 when I learned I was pregnant and while it wasn’t a plan, I obviously knew becoming pregnant was a possibility following my actions,” Strong responsibly stated. She demonstrated a more mature mind as to say she knew her actions has repercussions along the way, and that she would accept that.
Bringing a baby into the world at such a young age, even older, is a grand task. Without the right support, it can make it that much more difficult. However, Abigail has a fiancé and parents more than willing to support.
“When we told my parents we both sat them down in my room and told them the news. As nervous as we were, I knew that they may react in surprise, but that they would be supportive. They always raised me to know that a baby is a blessing from the second he or she begins to form.”
As time progressed, Abigail began to obtain those natural motherly connections with her baby.
“I believe that a young child, no matter how small deserves their own choice to live, as they were created to do. When I was still so early into my pregnancy and got my first ultrasound, I got to see my sons heartbeat, and actually see his tiny hand reach up, the small movements of his body so precise and with meaning. That was the first time we really felt connected with him.”
While she has successfully done her best to overcome the negativity of being a teen mom, there were and still are many struggles she faces. Abigail has taken the doubt of others in their young parenting and used it as fuel for success.
“Lots of people think because you are a young parent, you are more careless with how you go about parenting. Although that can be frustrating, it gives us a reason to try and be the best parents we can possibly be, and give our son the most love, and best life we can.”
While Abigail is one of the many success stories at becoming a young mom, there are many others that face more struggles with less support. No matter what, act responsibly and understand that actions have outcomes. In this case, Abigail took her outcome of her actions and has been successfully and happily raising and young boy, Bentley with her fiancé and family in her line of support and love.